On 02/05/18 23:02, Dave O'Reilly wrote:
> This is a very emotive topic so I request level-headed consideration
> of the context of these revelations, 

Please review the long discussion that lead to RFC7258. (That's the
one I pointed you at the other day in an off-list discussion.) You
may be coming to this topic in an IETF context as a new one, but it
is not a new topic here. Asking that we be "level headed" only gives
an impression of not having done one's homework.

Other than that:

- In terms of discussion venues within the IETF - ISTM that there's
little point in a document about what applications ought log that
isn't discussed on the art-area list (as I pointed out in my
original mail on this topic and also mentioned the other day).

- Your discussion of PM totally misses the point. A lot of traffic
is being stored, it doesn't matter if your preferred LEAs don't have
access to that. The question instead is rather whether or not your
proposed mechanism makes PM easier/"better" or not for any of whomever
you consider bad actors doing PM. And then generalise from that to
realise that your (or my) classification of good/bad actors is likely
quite different from classifications that many other people may
find sensible. (That is not the only question to ponder related to
your proposed mechanism, but it is one question.)

In summary: I don't consider that the objections I raised originally
were answered, nor do recent mails make me any happier about this
draft. And yes, I would engage in attempts to openly discuss LEA
requirements (*not* mechanisms, requirements) and how those can or
cannot be reconciled with today's equally real requirements for
openness, security and privacy. I don't actually know of a good
IETF venue for that discussion, but I'd certainly bet a beer it is
not this list:-)


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