I took a look at the draft and found some fundamental problems.  I would
suggest review by IEEE 802.11 before proceeding.

A few of the issues are noted below.

   In WLAN, a number of security
   mechanisms on link layer make MAC address a strong enough binding
   anchor, for instance, 802.11i, WAPI, WEP.

[BA] WAPI and WEP are most certainly *not* "strong enough" for 802.11
security, let alone to be considered a "strong enough" binding

IEEE 802.11i has long ago been obsoleted by more recent IEEE 802.11
specifications, so I'd be concerned this is also not an appropriate

If MAC address has no protection, attackers can spoof MAC address to
succeed in validation.

[BA] While this statement is true, the inverse statement (that
spoofing is prevented by protection) is not true.

WLAN security does not prevent one authenticated station from spoofing
multicast packets from another authenticated station.

   An individual procedure handles binding DHCP addresses to MAC
   addresses.  This procedure snoops the DHCP address assignment
   procedure between attached hosts and DHCP server.  DHCP snooping in
   WLAN is the same as that in wired network specified in RFC7513
   [RFC7513 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7513>].

   An individual procedure handles binding stateless addresses to MAC
   addresses.  This procedure snoops Duplicate Address Detection
   procedure.  ND snooping in WLAN is the same as that in wired network
   specified in [RFC6620 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6620>]
[RFC6620 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6620>].

[BA] These paragraphs do not mention ARP, so either the draft does not
apply to IPv4 at all, or it cannot handle IPv4 static addresses.

   2.  A host leaves this access point.  The entries for all related MAC
       addresses in MAC-IP table MUST be cleared.

[BA] This advice, if implemented would break basic WLAN roaming
functionality which allows a station to seamlessly move its point of

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 3:39 PM Suresh Krishnan <sur...@kaloom.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
>    I am considering AD sponsoring the following draft
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-bi-savi-wlan-15
> that describes a source address validation solution for WLAN. If you have
> any concerns
> either with the content of the draft, or about me AD sponsoring it please
> let me know before 2018/11/18.
> Thanks
> Suresh
> NOTE: I have CCed: all the working groups that I thought could be
> potentially
> interested in this work. If you think I have missed out some WG(s) please
> let
> me know.
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