This point also requires a response:

>not specs for little pieces of it

The specs present an entire architecture, and not just little pieces. Most 
importantly they present a new link model for Internetworking where integrity 
verification becomes the joint responsibility of both intermediate and end 
systems (which can also apply error correction). This link model presents a new 
way of ensuring that as much good data as possible is delivered while 
minimizing retransmissions. This offers a more delay/disruption tolerant model 
for networks that are becoming more and more mobile and more and more 
interplanetary. And, it works with all packet sizes ranging from the very small 
to the very large.

From: Robinson, Herbie <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 4:09 PM
To: Paul Vixie <>; Templin (US), Fred L 
<>; Hesham ElBakoury <>
Cc: Internet Area <>; IPv6 List <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: [Int-area] Re: IP Parcels and Advanced Jumbos (AJs)

I think what we need to see is an overall view of how this is going to expand 
MTU across the Internet or at least at first in intranets (with the Internet to 
follow), not specs for little pieces of it.  That and some indication that 
there is buy-in for this among hardware vendors.  This has been a glaring 
problem for decades, but no hardware vendor seems to want to go first.
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