Has anyone successfully duplicated any of Meyer's electrolytic cells?  At http://www.rexresearch.com/meyerhy/meyerhy.htm#4936961 it has a section that is reported to be from Keelynet:

The pulse frequency was not printed, it is estimated from the size of the coils and transformer that the frequency doesn't exceed 50 Mhz. Don't depend on this being fact, it's just a educated guess.

I wondering where this number came from.

I figure for the coil of 1 inch diameter, 1/2 inch length and 100 turns to be about 270 uH, and the capacitance of 4" 1/2" tubing inserted inside 3/4 inch tubing to be about 0.56 uF.  That should have a resonance of around 41 Khz.

Further down the resonant frequencies are listed as 14,372 Hz and 43,430 Hz, about 1/1,000 of the 50 Mhz.  Since the 41 Khz and 43 Khz are very close together, I suspect he was using the higher choice.

Has anyone done any experiments on this lately?



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