Hola Folks!

Looks like Dan got the list working right again...it wasn't sending to the archive and then not even to the list, but all better now...thanks Dan!

I suspect most everyone knows about the claims of this Irish group Steorn, that they have a rotating magnetic device which I believe they estimate at 218% efficient?

In the keelynet.com news I had tracked the patent and included a diagram with their description of how their shielding method worked.

There are NUMEROUS patents for shielding methods and one of the most famous is Ecklin.


And there is also Jack Hilden-Brands invention of a method of switching off any natural magnetic field, either mechanically or electronically with very little power. He kindly send me both the mechanical and electronic prototypes which I tested and was totally amazed with. He has gone MUCH FURTHER and has a motor he estimates is 600% efficient and thats just an early prototype as he thinks his new one will be far more efficient. See;


What is interesting...Jack showed his technology at a product fair, has a patent app well before Steorn and has been working on his for years now. So I wonder if Steorn saw or stumbled on his information and made a crude model which they have run to patent.

Plus the comments on some websites about how they were essentially an information company in an earlier incarnation and had converted to a security products company, now put an advert in the Economist, not Sci-AM or any physics or electronics media...as the Economist is read by finance type people, not scientists. Peculiar approach.

Plus the 10% of scientists who they claim have verified the claim won't come forth with their names or to back it up.

This is one comment about it from a weblog;

"The more I think about this I am of two minds: 1. These guys really do think they've succeeded in breaking the laws of thermodynamics. 2. Recall that Steorn is a former e-business company that saw its market vanish during the dot.com bust. It stands to reason that Steorn has re-tooled as a Web marketing company, and is using the "free energy" promotion as a platform to show future clients how it can leverage print advertising and a slick Web site to promote their products and ideas. If so, it's a pretty brilliant strategy."
I KNOW it is possible to redirect magnetic flux (you can't actually shield it, but you can cancel or redirect it) as I've seen it in Jacks devices, so perhaps they do have something.

Jack has switched off the field of a magnet holding 400 pounds of weight, but using only some 8 Watts of power...and in one configuration, it was 80 pounds of lift switched off with just .6 Watts...yes, you read that right....600mW!!!

So you can imagine how a motor could be designed that was like the EV Gray motor but using natural magnets being switched on and off to produce rotation and torque. And apply that to generators!!!

I guess we'll see about Steorn...I think they might have something but wish they'd cut all the smoke and mystery....as it just confuses the issue.

The patent application posted at;


McCarthy; Shaun David - March 30, 2006 - #20060066428 - A low energy magnet actuator allows magnetic fields to be turned on and off using a small amount of energy. The magnetic actuator according to the invention generally includes a base suitable for the support of a plurality of magnets. An actuatable shield is positioned in relation to the plurality of magnets so that it effectively blocks the magnetic field when it is positioned over at least one of the magnets. The magnetic fields of the plurality of magnets interact in a manner that allows low energy actuation of the shield. - A low energy magnet actuator allows magnetic fields to be turned on and off using a small amount of energy. The magnetic actuator according to the invention generally includes a base suitable for the support of a plurality of magnets. An actuatable shield is positioned in relation to the plurality of magnets so that it effectively blocks the magnetic field when it is positioned over at least one of the magnets. The magnetic fields of the plurality of magnets interact in a manner that allows low energy actuation of the shield.
As you can see, it gives some information about the flux redirection technique, but to my eyes, it looks rather primitive when compared to Jack Hilden-Brands original version. In other words, it looks like a cheap copy...

Since his application preceded theirs, no matter what they try to claim, he'll win the case. So let them have their day and I hope it does prove out with many replications of proof worldwide...we shall see.

    from Jerry Decker @ http://www.keelynet.com
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