Try a car battery.

--- Dave Narby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ask him to put anywhere from 9-39 volts on his
> tongue...  I guarantee 
> he'll feel it!
> Raul Quintanilla wrote:
> > Hello, I know my questions are on simple
> stuff, but not being but a curios and pragmatic
> person I focus on more 'natural' stuff, so,
> anyone on this list has had any experience on
> building and using, a Polarity Cycler [Lee
> Crock, Mexistim] type of device?
> >
> > A friend of mine says that 3 volts DC is too
> little because an electrical discharge above 40
> volts is needed to 'feel' electricity.
> >
> > I told him that maybe the explanation given
> by Lee and Jerry is not the correct one and
> that we all are looking at a very very simple
> device of the kind that works under yet unknown
> laws of the human body.
> >
> > I am convinced and will assemble one and will
> report to this list my findings. Already have
> some people ready on line to act as guinea
> pigs, and me being near 57 I am in first place
> of the cue to try it myself of course! Might
> not go down 4 sizes but a couple will be more
> than enough.
> >
> > I am amazed and very enthusiastic about the
> wealth of information on the internet on
> devices that can heal and be of use to us, and
> am willing to try those that can be built on a
> shoestring, like some CSE devices, which is
> more than my bank account has at the time.
> Actually I have no bank account.
> >
> > Anyway, I hope to get some feedback from the
> list, thanks!
> > Raul Q.
> > ps: where in Mexico do you live Jerry?
> >
> >
> > Correo Yahoo!
> > Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y
> antispam ¡gratis! 
> > Regístrate ya - 
> >
> >   

'The Old Master'
@Dulcet Tone Service -- "NEW HOPE FOR THE WRETCHED"
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