Am 17.12.2014 um 10:44 schrieb Till Oliver Knoll:
>> Am 17.12.2014 um 08:57 schrieb Wilhelm <>:
>>> ...
>>> But just to rule out the usual suspects: does drag and drop "in general" 
>>> work with your current Window Manager" (in applications where you /know/ 
>>> that certain MIME types are accepted)? E.g. when you drag and drop a file 
>>> from your File Manager to your Email editor: does it get "attached" (or 
>>> even embedded) (in)to your current email that you are typing?
>> Yes, absolutely.
>> E.g. I can drag from a foreign application (e.g. dolphin) to my programm
>> (into a derived QTextEdit to accept that drops).
> So just to repeat:
> * Drag and Drop (DnD) works when initiated from another application (e.g.  
> Dolphin file manager) and dropped onto your ("drop-enabled") 
> application/widget


> * DnD works within your own application instance (process)


> But it does not work when
> * DnD initiated in your application instance 1 and dropped onto your 
> application instance 2


> What exactly does not work? In instance 2, are you not getting an event at 
> all? Or is it simply not "acceptable"? What happens if you try to drop onto 
> another application which e.g. accepts images (email client maybe)?

I've overwritten (derived from TextEdit)

    void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e);
    void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e);
    void dropEvent(QDropEvent *e);

and in dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) I look for the mimeData like:

    if (e->mimeData()->hasText()) {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "text: " << e->mimeData()->text();

Strange is that e->mimeData()->hasText() evaluates to true but
e->mimeData()->text() is empty (similar for hasUrls() and urls()).

> That is, you initiate a drag in a QLabel, place the image e.g. as "image/png" 
> or "image/jpeg" (?) into the QMimeData and drop it over the email client? 
> Would that work?
> Cheers,
>   Oliver
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