On 18 Dec 2014, at 09:05, Wilhelm <wilhelm.me...@fh-kl.de> wrote:

> Am 18.12.2014 um 08:44 schrieb Till Oliver Knoll:
>>> Am 17.12.2014 um 22:45 schrieb Wilhelm <wilhelm.me...@fh-kl.de>:
>>>> ...
>>> I can confirm that it works with Qt 5.3.2 (linux). I can drag from my
>>> test-application to another instance or to e.g. kate, etc ... That's
>>> good news.
>>> So, what todo with Qt 5.4.0?
>>> Any Workarounds?
>> I am glad that you could track down the issue :)
>> I don't know of any workarounds unfortunatelly, but you should check
>>  https://bugreports.qt-project.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa
>> whether a "drag and drop" related issue already exists (for Qt 5.4), and if 
>> not, add one (best with some minimal compileable code).
>> (If an issue already exists you can also "vote" for it, or even add 
>> additional information about how to reproduce etc. ;))
> Ok, did that ... hopefully it get fixed soon ;-)

Which bug did you find?
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