On 10 Jul 2015, at 14:41, Rogerio Nicolau <r.nico...@learningclip.co.uk> wrote:

> I have the Canvas larger than the screen actually, it's inside a ScrollView 
> so the user can scroll if needed. I did try reducing it to an area smaller 
> than the screen size, but that does not change the behaviour.

Sounds like a different bug then.  Mine is QTBUG-47152

> On 10/07/2015 12:07, Rutledge Shawn wrote:
>> On 10 Jul 2015, at 12:50, Rogerio Nicolau <r.nico...@learningclip.co.uk> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> This is a hardware specific issue and I suspect a problem in a lower
>>> layer than Qt, but I wanted to check if anyone might have some other idea.
>>> The problem happens on a Tegra Note Android tablet, other
>>> hardware/platforms work fine. When I set a Canvas object's renderTarget
>>> to Canvas.FramebufferObject and use a Context2D to draw to it, what is
>>> drawn on the screen is scaled down by a factor of 0.625 (even though the
>>> canvas transform has not been changed in anyway).
>>> Using Canvas.Image does not cause the problem, unfortunately I can't use
>>> that because it is too slow (basically the app captures mouse move
>>> events to sketch in real time and the capture rate decreases too much).
>>> Any suggestions?
>> How small are you trying to render?  I noticed this only at small sizes, on 
>> Linux, so worked around it by setting the Canvas width and height to double 
>> the desired size and then setting scale to 0.5.  But I wasn’t trying to draw 
>> interactively with the mouse, so that’s kindof an impractical workaround in 
>> that case...

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