On 18.09.2018 16:28, Kevin wrote:

Thanks for all the responses

An xml file can be compressed , too 😊 Accept-Encoding is just a hint
to the server which compression the client accepts, and the server is free to
ignore it. So I doubt that's the issue.
I am just uploading whatever the repogen tool created for me.

My guess is the "?-915259074 " part of the url is what makes the server fail.

To prevent caching, you may wish instead to add header:
Cache-Control: no-store
For the above suggestions, how do I do that through the IFW? Are there config.xml parameters that I missed?

Is it possible for you to lighten the restriction on the User-Agent in ModSecurity in this case?
I have tried to disable modsecurity completely to debug this issue, and it does not help unfortunately.
Was the output any different once modsecurity was disabled?

You can try with this command:
curl -i http://www.spikegadgets.com/downloads/onlinesoftwarerepo/Updates.xml?-763156944 -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0"

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