Have you tried to comment out cleanup of reply objects (QNetworkReply) ?

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 8:49 AM maitai <mai...@virtual-winds.org> wrote:
> I've checked it already, and anyway a QFileDialog is a QWidget and as such 
> cannot be created before QApplication (that's what it said when I tried).
> Philippe
> Le 05-02-2020 21:20, Henry Skoglund a écrit :
> Hi, maybe you already checked this, but if you have any big wheels like a 
> QFileDialog declared static, their ctors most likely will run before main(), 
> i.e. some COM/networking activity could occur before main() kicks in.
> On 2020-02-05 21:10, maitai wrote:
> As I said, I now have doubts it comes from COM threading...
> I have built a small app with nothing inside, with the same .pro file exactly 
> (qt modules, libs, etc, in the same order). The only difference is HEADERS 
> and SOURCES of course, main.cpp being the same at least until it crashes. No 
> problem in this small app (running in the same directory).
> Again for those who missed it:
> main.cpp:
>     QNetworkAccessManager *inet = new QNetworkAccessManager();
>     delete inet;
>     QApplication app(argc, argv);
> this works.
>    QApplication app(argc, argv);
>    QNetworkAccessManager *inet = new QNetworkAccessManager();
>     delete inet;
> this crashes on new in our app, not in a sample without HEADERS and SOURCES.
> I cannot understand that, certainly there is something obvious I am missing.
> Philippe Lelong.
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