On 22.04.21 12:14, Roland Hughes wrote:
> On 4/22/2021 3:47 AM, Rui Oliveira wrote:
>> QML/Quick, for me, seems to need a lot of work for the desktop. Also, it
>> seems it's make for "flat", low density UIs. Yesterday I was presented
>> with this:https://ossia.io/  . Look how good it looks
>> (https://ossia.io/assets/score.png)! Holy damn, an that's widgets.
> https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffnt&q=connex+spot+monitor&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.tigermedical.com%2FProducts%2FLargeImages%2FWEL71XX-B-.jpg
> That's all widgets baby. The CPU doesn't even have a GPU
> Download the user manual and check out the screen shots inside.
> https://www.hillrom.com/content/dam/hillrom-aem/us/en/sap-documents/LIT/80025/80025960LITPDF.pdf
> That thing is a work of art. I just wish they would have included a shot of 
> the readings history table. Apple ain't ever put out anything that looked so 
> cool and was 100% functional.
> QML can't hold a candle to it.
> Those bricks can be re-arranged and re-sized without any use of layouts.
> When you gotta bring the Uber Cool you gotta use widgets.

QtQuick runs actually pretty fine without GPU. Just select the software 


All the latency and texture loading concerns actually go away when using 
software rendering.
For the embedded world just make sure you have a good low-latency memory block.
(I had good experiences with IMX6ULs...!-)

On the desktop I found the Universal style to work best with software rendering:


The other 2 tricks you need to know: QQuickPaintedItem and 
The later you can for instance use to add QtQuick scenes to QDockWidgets (or 

God speed,
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