> On 14. Nov 2023, at 11:49, Calogero Mauceri <mauc...@actgate.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have the following problem with dialogs on the Mac.
> I have a main window/dialog and I am opening a modeless dialog, I need to 
> have both the main window/dialog and the modeless dialog visible at the same 
> time.
> I create the modeless dialog as simple as this
> QDialog* myDialog = new QDialog(this);

What is “this” here? The main window? I’ve seen these problems (unexpected 
window stacking) on Mac more than elsewhere when no parent/the wrong parent was 
passed, but can’t remember seeing it when passing the main window. (Haven’t 
done much macOS/Widget development recently though)

Frank Gonçalves Osterfeld | frank.osterf...@kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer 
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