
Je recherche la signification ou la traduction de ce qui suit : Merci 
Je dois rendre la traduction au plus tard vendredi matin.


1) "state laws" ? Avez-vous une idée sur comment traduire "state laws" ici ? 
(CONTEXT : "Distributor will comply with all applicable international, 
national, state, regional and local laws and regulations")

2) "production and business planning" = planification de la production et des 
activités/opérations ?

CONTEXT pour questions 3 et 4 : "Order procedure : 
- Company Acceptance. All orders for Products by Distributor shall be in 
writing and be subject to acceptance in writing by Company at its principal 
place of business"

- Controlling terms. The terms and conditions of this Agreement and of the 
applicable Company invoice or confirmation will apply to each order of 
Products accepted or shipped by Company hereunder")

3) Que signifie le terme "acceptance" dans ce contexte ?

4) Que signifie le terme "accepted" dans le deuxième paragraphe ?

5) CONTEXT question 5 : "Shipment - Unless specified in Distributor's order, 
Company will select the mode of shipment and the carrier. All Product 
shipments shall be FOB the destination designated by Distributor, with risk 
of loss passing to Distributor as such destination".)

5) La partie "with risk loss passing to Distributor as such destination" me 
pose problème, d'après ce que je comprends, les risques de perte sont 
transférés au distributeur, mais je ne comprends pas du tout la signification 
de "as such destination"  Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider ?

6) (CONTEXT question 6 : "No rights acquired in patents, trademarks, trade 
secrets or copyrights - Distributor has paid no consideration for the use of 
any patents, trademarks, logos... or designations which Company may own or 
have any right to, and nothing contained in this Agreement shall give 
Distributor any interest in any of them")

6) Que comprenez-vous par "has paid no consideration" = n'a payé aucune 
contrepartie ? Comment peut-on traduire "designation" ?

7) "trade secrets, copyrights and logos belonging to or licensed to Company" 
Comment peut-on traduire "licensed to Company" ici ?

peut-être par "données/conférées sous licence à la Société ?

8) Comment peut-on traduire "either party makes an assignment for the benefit 
of its creditors" (dans le paragraphe "early termination") ?

9) Je ne suis pas sûre de la signification des termes "Indemnification", 
"Indemnified party" et "Indemnifying party". Je sais que "Indemnification" 
peut avoir le sens de "garantie" ou d"indemnisation". Voici le contexte : 
"Indemnification - Distributor and Company, in connection with a third party 
suit or proceeding, shall each defend and hold harmless the other agains and 
from all actions, claims, liabilities, losses and expenses, including without 
limitation, reasonable attorney's fees, resulting from any breach of an 
express representation, warranty or covenant contained in this Agreement. The 
party seeking indemnification (the "Indemnified party") shall promptly notify 
in writing the other party (the "Indemnifying party") of any suit or 
proceeding which may give rise to a claim for indemnification. The 
indemnifying Party shall have the right to control the defense or settlement 
of any such suit or proceeding and the indemnified party shall lend all 
reasonable assistance in such defense or settlement")

10) "bankruptcy, insolvency or debtor's relief law" = loi sur la faillite, 
l'insolvabilité et l'assistance des débiteurs. C'est "debtor's relief" qui me 
pose problème.

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