But why would a web-crawler authenticate against the running live server?  

Yes.... I see the curl examples... But I have my alerts sent to Jabber and 
Email.  I want to "CLICK" on an href in the email or IM alert and have the item 
acked... I can't do this out of the box.
I have to have do a http://intermapper/ack.cgi?q=g499cbac0:zAzzzazzzJd   ... 
which then takes that... and does an LWP::Simple Post to covert that ID over to 
do a post..  (and also revealing my username/password in the process) and then 
grab that results and paste it into the window.

It's not ideal when you have to have a running apache server on all 4 
Intermapper servers just to server one CGI script.

BTW, if anyone is interested


use strict;
use CGI;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Headers;

my $q = new CGI;
my $username = "XXXXXX";
my $password = "XXXXXXX";

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("MyApp/0.1 ");

my $h = new HTTP::Headers;

my $fullstring = $q->param('q');
my ($mapid,$deviceid) = split(/:/,$fullstring);

my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 
my $res = $ua->request($req);

print $q->header;
if ($res->is_success) {
     print $res->content;
 } else {
     print $res->status_line, "\n";


On Sep 1, 2010, at 9:15 AM, Richard E. Brown wrote:

> --- Brian Gannon <gann...@rgmadvisors.com> wrote:
> Yeah. This is one of the features I really really want. The GET to 
> acknowledge. Currently had to write a perl script to convert the get to a 
> post and repost onto the API interface. It's not the best way to do 
> things.... But it works
> --- end of quote ---
> We thought about allowing a GET to do this, but decided against it, both for 
> a theoretical and a practical reason.
> - By definition, a GET request should retrieve data, but not affect the state 
> of the system. Obviously, ack'ing a device would change the state.
> - In practice, it's even worse: Any web crawler would *automatically* 
> acknowledge every device on the site. This is hardly desirable.
> So for both these reasons, we do not and will not allow a GET request to 
> acknowledge a device.
> I'll note that nete's HTML code (in a previous message of this thread) will 
> address this nicely, and that the Dev Guide also gives curl and Python 
> examples for doing this. (see 
> http://download.dartware.com/docs/DevGuide/Content/02-CustomProbes/APIAcknowledgements.htm)
> Please get back to me if you have further questions. Thanks.
> Rich Brown                    richard.e.br...@dartware.com
> Dartware, LLC                 http://www.intermapper.com
> 66-7 Benning Street           Telephone: 603-643-9600
> West Lebanon, NH 03784-3407   Fax: 603-643-2289
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