On 2012-11-04, at 6:15 PM, Paul Carlson wrote:
> I think I've answered my own question.  The actual number it fails on is 
> 2,147,483,648 (the 32nd bit). 
> So the question becomes; is IM just unable to chart data greater then 31bits, 
> or does it also store values retrieved from larger counters as 32bit signed 
> ints as well.
> Thanks
> Paul

If you change your probe to use SNMPv2c it should fix the problem. You do this 
under "Set Probe".

SNMPv1 uses 32 bit counters.  SNMPv2c uses 64 bit counters. Another bonus of 
SNMPv2c over v1 is that it can differentiate counts of multicast packets from 
broadcast packets. 

A best practice with Intermapper is to change the default for new devices from 
SNMPv1 to SNMPv2c. You do this under Edit Server Settings.  All modern devices 
support v2c.  (I don't know why Dartware hasn't made this the default setting.)

For legacy maps it's worth going through all of your maps and devices and 
changing SNMPv1 to SNMPv2c in my opinion.

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