Has type hinting for functions been implemented in ZE2?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Timm Friebe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:16 AM
Subject: [PHP-DEV] Type hints revisited [IllegalArgumentException instead of

| I've implemented an additional feature for type hints that will throw an
| exception instead of bailing out in case an incorrect type is passed.
| Test script:
| <?php
|   class Date { }
|   class Article {
|     public function setCreated_at(Date $date) {
|       echo __CLASS__, '::', __FUNCTION__, ' called with ';
|       var_export($date);
|       echo "\n";
|     }
|     public function setLastchange([Date] $date) {
|       echo __CLASS__, '::', __FUNCTION__, ' called with ';
|       var_export($date);
|       echo "\n";
|     }
|   }
|   $a= new Article();
|   $a->setLastchange(new Date());
|   $a->setLastchange(NULL);  // Passes
|   $a->setCreated_at(new Date());
|   try {
|     $a->setCreated_at(NULL);  // Fails
|   } catch (IllegalArgumentException $e) {
|     echo "Caught: "; var_dump($e);
|   }
|   $a->setCreated_at(1); // Fails
|   echo "Alive";         // Will not show up
| ?>
| Output:
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/php > ./php5/sapi/cli/php hints.php
| article::setlastchange called with class date {
| }
| article::setlastchange called with NULL
| article::setcreated_at called with class date {
| }
| Caught: object(illegalargumentexception)#2 (3) {
|   ["message"]=>
|   string(38) "Argument 1 must be an instance of date"
|   ["file"]=>
|   string(36) "/usr/home/thekid/devel/php/hints.php"
|   ["line"]=>
|   int(4)
| }
| Fatal error: Uncaught exception! in Unknown on line 0
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------
| A unified diff is attached.
| - Timm


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