> To be honest, I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. Basically, the 
> engine is done. I think the XML extensions and SQLite are pretty mature, 

I know Shane was working on some major improvements to simplexml that I
don't know if he's finished yet. Sterling didn't seem to have any
interest in really finishing the code he did write from our

> I'd really like to see PHP 5 get out soon because it's really a waste that 
> we don't give PHP users the chance to use the new functionality. I think 

It'd also be a waste to release PHP 5.0, only to have 5.1 be the version
with all the non-OO new features just for the sake of it. It's widely
understood throughout the community that PHP 5 will be a *major* release
for PHP, and everyone expects to see things like MySQLi, PDO,
SimpleXML/XML, etc.  

> I also don't think we should be waiting for new extensions like PDO. It is 
> impossible to synchronize with every extension out there. PDO sounds like 
> it'll be something really useful, and when it's ready and useful enough 
> it'll probably be part of PHP whether that is 5.0.0. or 5.6.4. If it's 
> ready in time, then great. If not, it might be in 5.0.1 which is likely to 
> follow 1-2 months after 5.0.0.

Is this really a discussion about every extension? We are talking about
PHP5 specific extensions that are designed to be major steps forward in
XML and database manipulation.. 

> What I suggest is the following. An immediate feature freeze and try and 
> get the RC out of the door. If it takes 2 months and not 2 weeks that's 
> fine with me, but I'd like it to converge. I'd like people who have 
> outstanding issues/bugs they need to fix, to go ahead and fix them. Same 
> goes for critical engine problems (aka me).

Reasons not to RC yet:

1) The changes between B1 -> B2 were very substaincial
2) B2 has only been out for around 10 days
3) There are a lot of valuable PHP 5-focused extensions that a lot of
people expect to see in PHP 5 (anyone who has been attending this year's
conferences knows this), that people *are* working on -- they just
aren't finalized yet. 

Considering there was absolutely no warning about an RC or feature
freeze, I suggest an alternative -- Set a firm date for a B3 release
(end of year), allow people who are actually working on PHP 5 related
ext stuff to get their code committed and finalized, and then release B3
in the wild for a month. If it all floats then roll the RC.


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