Hi Rob,

I'm using iconv 1.9.1 and I get problems with _libiconv_version it does'nt
seam to be in the lib file.

If I remove this from the exports I can build and link php4dllts.lib and
php_xls.dll without problems but not php_iconv.dll.

I'll try to resolve this.

I also move the @echo off to the top of the builddef.bat file to avoid
echo's in the def file

- Frank

> Can someone with a clean windows build test the changes for the
> linking. I believe it is working, but have so many copies of
> on my system I cant be 100% sure that it is.
> A few things. It currently is exporting all libxml symbols. It looks
> there may be about 200K difference if we only export those we need, so
> opinions on full or partial export?
> Also still trying to libxml to include all iconv symbols so that iconv
> not needed in php4dllts.dsp to export its symbols. Not sure if this is
> necessary as compiler may be optimizing out the redundant functions.
> For Edin's builds we are going to need to seperate libs for the branches
> these wont work with php 4 - libxml may, but libxslt wont as its static
> build is now linked dynamically against libxml.
> www.ctindustries.net/patches/winphplibxml.zip
> contains the libxml, libxslt as well as iconv files for building. iconv
> the stock version, but is included for versioning. libxml.dll and
> libxslt/libexslt dlls are not needed, as we only need the static libs,
> are included.
> php_libxml2.def needs to be placed in the ext/libxml directory.
> libxml is version 2.5.11, libxslt is version 1.0.33 and iconv is version
> http://www.ctindustries.net/patches/winlibxml.diff.txt
> diff is only for the debug build right now.
> iconv.dsp was changed to link against php4ts_debug.lib for its iconv
> symbols. Seems to work though there's still an open bug (#26194) so the
> iconv() function isnt working.
> xsl.dsp was changed to link against php4ts_debug.lib for its libxml and
> iconv symbols
> php4dllts.dsp statically links against libxml and iconv.
> Edin, hopefully this is what you were looking for.
> Rob
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