Let me try to understand what the problem might be.

    - php 5 version of sqlite should check out with php-src, branch head
    - php 4 version of sqlite should not check out with php-src, branch PHP_4_3
    - php 4 version of sqlite should be checkoutable separately



    - develop php 5 version of sqlite on the head branch
    - empty the PHP_4_3 branch
    - develop php 4 version of sqlite on a custom branch
      (e.g. SQLITE_PHP_4)

    I don't see a problem.  Do you?

    - Sascha

> Well, symlinks turned out to be even bigger headache. It makes having
> different versions of extensions in PECL nearly impossible.
> The most obvious example is sqlite which supports php4 but is not part
> of it, while its bundled and enabled by default in php5.
> Now with php5-bundle cvs module that specifies all the pecl modules
> included in the distribution this is easy to solve.

    - Sascha

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