At 08:35 PM 12/14/2003 -0500, Jon Parise wrote:
On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 03:41:10PM +0100, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

> > It is supported by "print" and for internal extensions such as
> > SimpleXML which require this.
>   How is it supported by "print" when
>     print $defect->thrownException()
>   does not work but the object returned from thrownException() has a
>   __toString() method?

Hopefully, this still works (don't have a recent PHP5 build to try):

print (string)$defect->thrownException();

The explicit cast also addresses this case:

print (string)$defect->thrownException() . "\n";

Nope. How is it different or nicer than doing $defect->thrownException()->__toString()?
It saves you 4 characters?


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