> Well, this can be added with userspace handlers as I mentioned to
> Marcus.  The real trick to XML manipulation is Xpath, not adding a bunch
> of broken methods.  If people want to do that, they can load a simplexml
> object into DOM, and use the two together. ;)

XPath cant be the answer to everything. Although it would work, XPath is
slow. I dont have them handy, but benchmarking was done for libxml on XPath
querying and simplly walking the tree and manuallly performing tests. As the
size of the document increased, the time to perform the XPath query went up
by drastically comapred to manual processing. This is a good reason to use
many of the dom methods over xpath as they are much faster. If speed isnt an
issue then its a real moot point.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that simpleXML should be simple without alot of
those methods (as a majority of the people using xml dont and most likely
never will use them). And XPath is the answer for them when they need a
little more juice. I can live with the interop between simpleXML and dom I
guess, but see I wasnt the only one who was mentioning a happy medium
between the 2 :)


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