At 12:41 PM 4/12/2004 +0200, Derick Rethans wrote:
On Sun, 11 Apr 2004, John Coggeshall wrote:

> As a matter of consistency, I would like to suggest that for those
> extensions which have a OO/procedural syntax that the non-fatal errors
> generated by those extensions be thrown as Exceptions when called from
> an OO syntax. I have already committed such a change to Tidy, and I
> can't see any serious reason why such a change can't be implemented for
> internal classes.
> Feedback welcome.

I think it's a stupid idea (actually OO is a stupid idea but that's
something for another dicussion ;-):

1. In order to silently ignore failed queries you still have to put a
   stupid try..except block around it.

2. KISS: PHP is supposed to be SIMPLE; with all thos advanced OO stuff
   writing scripts for PHP starts becoming less and less easy. Sure,
   they are already using OO but that's just a notation. Some extensions
   are only OO, like DOM, but that doesn't mean that every Joe Average
   has any idea on what exceptions are. Please, kepe things simple.
   Don't force people.


The fact that you have something personal against OOP doesn't mean it's not good.
I think that functional context should continue to work as usual, but there's a big advantage to be able to catch problems with try/catch and not have to if() each internal function call separately (which you probably don't do :)
I don't see a problem with OOP extensions throwing exceptions.

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