On Tue, Nov 19, 2019, at 9:54 AM, Rowan Tommins wrote:

> Yes, I would see that as a better example. I think operator overloading in
> general makes sense when the object itself can be thought of as a
> special-case of the primitive it's emulating operators for. So in this
> case, the IsSuccessful class would be "a special kind of boolean"; and the
> hypothetical List or Collection classes I mentioned a couple of days ago
> would be "a special kind of array". We even have that in PHP for built-in
> types: GMP objects can now be used with mathematical operators like $foo *
> $bar, and those operations do what you'd expect them to do on an integer or
> float.
> Operator overloading can also be used just as a cute way of spelling
> something - probably most famously, C++ uses the << and >> operators for
> writing to and reading from streams, even though they're actually overloads
> of the bit-shift operator. This kind of use is, I would say, more
> controversial - going back to consistency, it's easier to reason about code
> if $foo * $bar always does some kind of multiplication than if it's been
> overloaded to mean "$foo is the star of $bar".
> Overloading of cast operators is no different - the clearest use cases for
> __toString() are where the whole class basically represents a piece of
> text, and the more controversial are where (string)$foo is actually a cute
> spelling of one method on a complex class.

I just want to pop in here to highlight this last point, because that's the 
best heuristic I've seen for when __toString() is appropriate or not.  I may 
have to steal that heuristic because it's spot on.

To the rest of the thread, I think it's wise to split discussion of __toArray() 
off from "arrayable".  They seem like they are addressing different if related 
problems.  While an object with __toArray() would be "arrayable", there's 
already 2 array-ish things: arrays and the ArrayAccess interface.  So some 
short hand for array|\ArrayAccess can stand on its own as a proposal.

Or, since we now have union types, maybe that makes such a shorthand no longer 
necessary.  I'm not sure there.

--Larry Garfield

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