About the proposal itself of allowing `($expression)::class`, I'd be in favor.

> > Den tor. 9. jan. 2020 kl. 22.41 skrev Mike Schinkel <m...@newclarity.net>:
> >
> > Traits are compiler assisted code copy/paste and not contracts (unlike
> > interfaces), so there is no gain in having ::trait.
> It can already be referring to using ::class so it makes little sense to 
> disallow ::trait unless there is a different reason not to add another 
> ::keyword.
> Traits are symbols, so it is not unreasonable that there would be a way to 
> access it symbolically so that the reference can be type checked.
> One of my use-cases for referring to traits is to provide helpful hints in 
> error messages, i.e.:

Regarding the inclusion of new keywords with similar behavior of `:class`:

Would `Interfaces\FooInterface::trait` or `Traits\FooTrait::interface`
cause a run time error? If I'm not mistaken `::class` can't trigger
error because it can't trigger autoload like `class_exists()` calls

Currently `::class` can be used to resolve any name like
`trim::class`. IMMO it would be weird to have `::class` with the
current no autoload / error free behavior and then `::trait`,
`::function` and `::interface` triggering autoload and emitting some
error level.

And also it would be weird to have `::trait`, `::function` and
`::interface` with the same loose behavior as `::class`, in that case,
it seems less surprising to have just `::class` everywhere instead.

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