Hey Marco,

> On Jan 9, 2020, at 5:04 PM, Marcio Almada <marcio.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding the inclusion of new keywords with similar behavior of `:class`:
> Would `Interfaces\FooInterface::trait` or `Traits\FooTrait::interface`
> cause a run time error? If I'm not mistaken `::class` can't trigger
> error because it can't trigger autoload like `class_exists()` calls
> does.
> Currently `::class` can be used to resolve any name like
> `trim::class`. IMMO it would be weird to have `::class` with the
> current no autoload / error free behavior and then `::trait`,
> `::function` and `::interface` triggering autoload and emitting some
> error level.

You are absolutely correct.  I am so used to PhpStorm highlighting issues that 
I sometimes assume that PHP will throw an error/warning for the same.

So if ::interface and ::trait were added, then (tools like) PhpStorm could have 
enough information to flag them if developers misspell them or they are 
otherwise unknown.

> And also it would be weird to have `::trait`, `::function` and
> `::interface` with the same loose behavior as `::class`

Why weird?  

I can only assume Foo::trait vs. Bar::interface vs. Baz::class would not be 
hard to grok, and that it would would provide more valuable information to a 
reader than Foo::class vs. Bar:: class vs. Baz::class.

> in that case, it seems less surprising to have just `::class`
> everywhere instead.

How so?  I was very surprised when I first realized that I could do 
MyInterface::class, but I would not have been surprised by 

> `::function`

That said you bring up one I did not but would also like ::function as well as 
`::method` and even ::var or ::variable and ::const or ::constant.


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