On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 2:35 PM Niklas Keller <m...@kelunik.com> wrote:

> Hi Nikita,
> while this is a rather small change, it has quite some BC impact, as
> not all old code has been adjusted to run on PHP 7.1+ only using
> nullable types.
> I'd like to see an RFC with a vote for this.
> Regards,
> Niklas

I was interested in seeing how prevalent this pattern, is, so I ran some
analysis on the top 2k composer packages. I found 527 signatures that would
throw a deprecation warning with this change. Of these 187 are potentially
used as "poor man's nullable types" (the optional argument has both a type
and a null default), while the other 340 are definite bugs.


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