> On Feb 16, 2020, at 8:15 AM, Mark Randall <marand...@php.net> wrote:
> On 16/02/2020 10:16, Mike Schinkel wrote:
>> Why "debug" type?
> I would imagine because it is only really useful in the context of debugging. 

JMTCW but I generally think names should describe what something is, not what 
it can be used for.  The former can typically be definitive, the latter is 
based on perspective and thus both multiple names could apply and for some 
people the "can be used for" name turns out to be confusing. 

For example, when I first saw the name I was wondering if it would return some 
kind of debugging "mode" and was curious if there were more than one mode for 
debugging. I was hopeful that there was something new about debugging for me to 

> There is no reason to ever expose such information to userland.

Hmm. Depending on what you envision, I could definitely see using it in 
userland.  Basically something that merges gettype() and get_class() so that I 
can get one definitive type for a value and not have to call two functions.  I 
can of course write my own, but my own would not be "standard" and so I would 
see value in having a standard function for this in core.

> The name is up for debate.


Though still not exactly sure where you are headed with it since there are few 
detailed and no code examples the first name that comes to mind for me would be 

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