> On Apr 28, 2020, at 10:37 AM, Benas IML <benas.molis....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey internals,
> Since it's safe to say that the Attributes v2 RFC has passed, I wanted to
> make a separate thread based on the comment by Rowan Tommins in the PHP
> namespace policy thread. This is a quote from his comment:
>> One prefix doesn't make a trend. "PhpToken" is a different case - it's a
>> token of PHP source code, so the prefix isn't anything to do with
>> avoiding name collisions, it's a natural clarification.
>> To be honest, I'd be perfectly happy with the attributes RFC using the
>> class name "Attribute", just as we use "Iterator", "Closure",
>> "Exception", etc, etc. At which point the whole thing's a non-issue.
> I do strongly agree with him and I believe we should rename `\PhpAttribute`
> to simply `\Attribute` before the PHP 8 release in order to improve
> consistency with other classes and interfaces e. g. Iterator, ArrayAccess,
> Countable. It would also make the attribute class definition look more
> aesthetically pleasing:
> ```
> <?php
> <<Attribute>>
> class Test {}
> ```
> I am ready to make an RFC for this if the replies are mostly positive, so
> please, express your opinions!
> Best regards,
> Benas Seliuginas
> P.S: this is my second email account so hopefully it won't get marked as
> spam.
> -- 
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I too strongly agree that attributes should use `Attribute` over `PhpAttribute` 
or even `PHP\Attribute`.

Namespaces for bundled classes probably should be used in the future, but for 
logically grouped classes (such as DOM), extensions, etc.

Attributes are a basic language feature, and therefore should live in the 
global namespace the same way as Throwable, Iterator, Countable, etc.

I did not want naming to be a blocker on the attributes RFC, but it certainly 
bothered me that it was not `<<Attribute>>`.

Please put together an RFC for this name change, I would definitely vote yes.

Aaron Piotrowski

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