On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 19:14, Jakob Givoni <ja...@givoni.dk> wrote:
> Hi Internals,

Hi Jakob,

Obviously, all of the following is my own personal opinion, and other
people may have different opinions.

There are two main lessons learnt from the SPL experience.

i) Some APIs need to evolve separately from the PHP release schedule*.
As otherwise any mistake in the design of the  API is locked in until
the next minor release.

ii) PHP needs a better way of installing extensions. There was a lot
of work done on this in https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/pickle but
that effort seems to have been abandoned after a huge amount of work
was done for it.

If anyone has any info on what the problems were with the approach
taken in that project, sharing that knowledge with the rest of the PHP
community would be helpful in a new attempt to solve that problem.

To answer your questions:

> - What is the status of this extension currently? Is it being actively
developed or just supported?

It's pretty dead and the code is quite scary to even touch.

> - Is there any interest in adding stuff here - f.ex. new classes,
interfaces or traits?

Absolutely no interest for me. As I said, new attempts to provide
common libraries should be done separately from PHP core. Preferably
in userland code where possible.

> And technically, how is something like ArrayObject class
implemented? And should you implement it again, would it be done the
same way?

The code is in:

And a different approach should be taken.

I've posted some notes of my thoughts on the individual parts of the SPL below.


## Iterators

These are quite useful, though possibly could do with a better
developer experience around using them.

The file related ones are best avoided though - see File Handling below.

## Datastructures

People tend not to use them, but it is hard to express exactly why.

It is partly due to some issues in their implementations. For example
that the function
exists is a pretty bad sign.

There are a better set of datastructures available in the [Ds

I think possibly it is related about the difficulty in converting from
arrays to custom data structures and back again, being a not good

## Exceptions

The attempt has two fundamental mistakes in my opinion.

First, I think all exceptions should extend a base exception that is
specific to the library that the code is in. e.g.

try {
  $image = new Imagick("foo.png");
catch (ImagickException $e) {
  // This catch should be guaranteed to catch all exceptions
  // that could possibly be thrown by 'someMethodThatMightThrow'

Any exceptions to that rule, like a TypeError that is not caught
internally and rethrown with an Imagick specific version, should be
considered as a bug.

Second, having a hierarchy of exceptions that builds up more specific
meaning is something that has a strong aesthetic appeal to developers,
but has no actual benefit. Other than extending a base exception for
that library.

## File Handling

There are multiple issues for them. They are not well designed
classes, are kind of difficult to work with, and also some of the
assumptions in them are unsafe. For example cloning a
FileSystemIterator assumes that the directory has not changed:

More fundamentally I think these classes are also a mistake. Here is a
quote from a paper by Edsger W. Dijkstra*:

> the purpose of abstracting is not to be vague, but to create
> a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise.

I think this can be turned round the other way. If an abstraction does
not provide a new, more precise semantic level, then it does not
provide any value.

Those classes are not simpler to use than the low level unix file
handling routines. And so they do not provide any value over just
using the low level functions. In fact they are harmful as they hide
some details that you probably want to know about.

That is an opinion that I think also applies to the idea of providing
an OO api to the functions for handling http requests, e.g.
get_headers(). Although they could do with improvement through having
less magic, and being more complete (e.g. why isn't there a get_body()
function?) putting them all in an OO api seems the wrong thing to do
to me.


* Edsger W. Dijkstra -

* PHP release schedule problem -

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