> On Aug 10, 2020 at 11:02 AM,  <Ilija Tovilo (mailto:tovilo.il...@gmail.com)>  
> wrote:
>  Hi Mike  >  $card_html =  <<<HTML  <div id="card-{$card->id}" class="card 
> {$card?->css}">  {$card->content}  </div>  HTML; Two things: 1. We're solely 
> talking about string interpolation without braces {}. You're using braces in 
> your example and this does indeed work right now. 

Thank you for clarifying.    That was not obvious to me.  
 If it was explicitly mentioned in the thread and I missed it, I apologize.
>  2. The semantics of ?->  are different than you're depicting them to be in 
> this example. ?->  will only short-circuit if $card is null, not when the 
> property "css" is not defined. Thus, if $card was null your example would've 
> already failed at $card->id. 
Good point. I was remembering a frequent problem but did not convey the 
use-case correctly so please let me update it:

>  class="card {$card->attributes?->css}" 
>         The only real information I was trying to convey was that when 
> generating HTML there is a frequent need to output a value if one exists but 
> output nothing otherwise. So hopefully this time I got the usage correct for 
> this new feature.    
 P.S.    I would have tested it before sending, but I do not have a local PHP 
install that I can test this syntax with yet.

> >  
> >  

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