Am 01.12.2020 um 21:13 schrieb Reindl Harald (privat) <>:
> Am 01.12.20 um 21:09 schrieb Stanislav Malyshev:
>>> we are running error_reporting E_ALL for 17 years now and don't
>>> distinct between notice / warning / error, it has to be fixed -
>>> period
>> Surely you do. Your code continues to run after warning/notice but stops
>> after the error. It's impossible to ignore that. Unless you have an
>> error handler that does exit() after a notice (which I have hard time
>> believing, honestly, but who knows), there is a very major distinction.
> my server would trigger a mail every 15 minutes wioth all warnings and 
> notices to enforce fixing the issue

Out of curiosity: What is your fix?

Because we are running into this issue with fuzzers bombarding our website with 
all types of illegal parameters, string containing 0-bytes amongst them.

Our solution was to basically throw away all user input containing 0-bytes 
(except $_FILES) which feels awkward but was the only way to avoid these 
messages (and in some cases exceptions) consistently.

Concerning the original question:
My personal preference in this specific case is Stas’ way: is_file() is a 
low-level function and should simply return false for *anything* which is not a 
valid, existing filename. Having *everything* involving paths warn/throw an 
exception when 0-bytes are involved is an overly broad generalization.

I challenge everybody to show me how changing is_file() to simply return false 
(while keeping more high-level functions like, say, popen throwing an 
exception) leads to a security hole.

In my preferred world the following code would be both safe and guaranteed to 
report „File not found“ on any invalid input:
        If (is_file($filename))
                message("File not found“);

I’ll try to put a PR together for FileFunction() because I think those 
functions should all handle 0-bytes like non-existing files.

- Chris

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