On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 8:46 AM zeriyoshi <zeriyo...@gmail.com> wrote:


I have created an account on the PHP.net wiki to create an RFC about this.
Can you grant me editing privileges?

As for suggestion two, I sent a PR to php-src on GitHub.

Fortunately, Nikita seems to be checking it out. Thank you very much.

P.S: I had mentioned earlier that php_combined_lcg() was used in the
session, but I checked and it seems not to be the case now. I will correct
it. Sorry about that.

Go Kudo

2020年12月16日(水) 23:46 zeriyoshi <zeriyo...@gmail.com>:

> Nice to meet you, internals.
> PHP 8.0 has been released. With the inclusion of JIT, PHP is about to be
> extended beyond the web.
> So I'd like to make a few suggestions.
> First , PHP has the historical Mersenne Twister PRNG. However, this
> implementation keeps its state in a global and cannot be handled as an
> object like other languages (e.g. Java).
> So, I created a PHP Extension and proposed it to PECL.
> https://marc.info/?l=pecl-dev&m=160795415604102&w=2
> https://github.com/zeriyoshi/php-ext-orng
> But, Then I looked at the mailing list archives and noticed that a similar
> proposal had been made before.
> https://externals.io/message/98021#98130
> I feel that this suggestion is needed now to expand PHP beyond the web.
> Second suggestion is to stop using the Combined LCG as the default seed
> value for each function.
> PHP's Combined LCG only uses PID (or ZTS Thread ID) and time as entropy.
> https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/ext/standard/lcg.c#L72
> With the development of container technology, this problem seems to be
> getting more serious. So I think we should use the random numbers provided
> by the OS (getrandom on Linux) if available.
> I would like to hear your opinions.
> Regards
> Go Kudo <zeriyo...@gmail.com>

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