> I want to re-iterate my opinion on this discussion thread: anything
> with a prefix is a hard-no from me. Namespaces are literally designed
> for this, and I will not vote "yes" to `iter_all`, `iterable_all`,
> etc, no matter what the prefix is. Anything without a namespace is a
> no from me.
> I'm flexible on many other points, but not this one. It's 2020 (almost
> 2021); let's use namespaces for what they were designed for. This is a
> perfect opportunity; they work on more than just arrays so using the
> `array_` prefix for consistency doesn't apply.

Hey Levi,

while I agree that namespaces were designed for this, I think `all` and
`any` are too generic names, even in a namespace.

I think Java's naming with any_match / all_match could be a good fit.

If promises / futures make it into core in the future, there will be a need
for an `any` / `all` function combining promises / futures.

Maybe these should be named `array_*` and all array functions should be
adjusted to work with iterators?


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