On 06/01/2021 14:57, Nikita Popov wrote:
Once you introduce an
additional meaningful namespace in the form of SPL\iterable\any, you are
better off either dropping the SPL part and arriving at iterable\any, or
replacing SPL with something more sensible and arriving at PHP\iterable\any.

PHP\ModuleOrFeature\Abc was the style listed in the PHP Namespace Policy RFC presented by Larry and I, which was voted down, perhaps due to specific elements of the RFC, or perhaps due to a dislike of namespaces in general.

If you believe that PHP\ModuleOrFeature\Abc is a sensible approach to take, then I would implore you to pick up the mantle and try and push everyone towards agreement, lest this keep coming up again, and again.

Fortunately, your words carry great weight, and you're likely to be one of the few people who could succeed where so many others of us have tried and failed.

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