On Tue, Jan 12, 2021, at 11:53 AM, Andreas Leathley wrote:
> On 12.01.21 17:51, Marco Pivetta wrote:
> > Code written to deal with `array` in a generic way will no longer work
> > when
> > invoked through code paths that produce object keys: this is a general
> > problem with widening types overall, and is a clear BC break.
> If you look at levels of BC break, this is on the very low end in my
> opinion. No existing code will break when upgrading to this new PHP
> version. Only new code written specifically for that PHP version would
> be impacted, and frameworks/libraries could, if necessary, add
> additional checks without becoming incompatible with older PHP versions.
> It helps that currently array keys can be integers or strings, so if the
> key type is important, some checking is already necessary.

This is untrue.  It's quite possible to have code like this today:

function make_list(array $vals) {
  $out = '<select>';
  foreach ($vals as $key => $label) {
    $out .= sprintf('<option value="%s">%s</option>', $key, $label);
  return $out . '</select>';

That would work just fine today with string or int keys, but would break if on 
an object-keyed array if the objects did not implement __toString().

Whether the risk of such code breaking in practice is large or small is another 
question, and I don't have an answer for it.  I'm of mixed feelings on this 
RFC; on the one hand, it would make Enums even easier to work with, which is 
good.  On the other, it pours even more behavior into the kitchen sink data 
structure whose (mis)use is a known security hole, which is bad.  I'd like to 
see us using naked hash tables less, not more.

Ilija is also correct that minor potential-breaks like this have been 
introduced in the past, and the world has not ended.  Whether that is good or 
bad, historically, is debatable and likely varies with the specific feature.

I would say that if this RFC moves forward, we would also want to introduce an 
other array_is_*() function to make adding extra guards easier.  I'm not sure 
what we'd call it, though.  array_is_keyed?  array_is_assoc?  
array_is_not_objects?  Bikeshed as you wish. :-)  But we'd want some easy way 
to tell what key-style an array uses.

... maybe a function that returns an internal enumeration of List, Assoc, or 
Object for the 3 key types? :-)

--Larry Garfield

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