On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 1:53 AM Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:

> changes should be pushed directly to GitHub rather than to git.php.net.

Would it also make sense if direct pushes (bypassing the pull requests
system) were disallowed completely? I can see multiple problems with direct

1) Someone trying to sneak in malicious code, like in the current incident
(rarest but most damaging problem)
2) One dev pushes something, another dev disagrees, while the discussion
continues, the potentially problematic commit stays on. Pre-merge reviews
are much more natural for discussions.
3) Direct push bypasses CI to break tests, PRs can't be merged until the
cause is identified and resolved (seems to be happening quite often)

In my roughly one year around, I can now recall instances of each of these
problems in php-src.

Best regards,
Max Semenik

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