2021-04-24 12:56 GMT, Pierre <pierre-...@processus.org>:
> Le 24/04/2021 à 12:55, Saif Eddin Gmati a écrit :
>> Hello Internals,
>> I'm sending this email to open discussion about sealed classes,
>> interfaces, and traits feature for PHP 8.1.
>> I have create a Draft RFC here:
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/sealed_classes
>> <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/sealed_classes>
>> A major concern for few people have been the syntax, in which it
>> introduces 2 new keywords into the languages, therefor, i have added a
>> section about alternative syntax which could be used to avoid this
>> problem.
>> Regards,
>> Saif.

1) Doesn't this violate the principle: It should be possible to add
new features without touching old code?

2) Isn't namespace-internal access a better feature for the same
purpose? That is, only allows a class to be extended within the same


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