Forwarding to the list, and answering:

On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 9:51 AM Tony Marston <>

> On 27/04/2021 17:22, Guilliam Xavier wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 12:55 PM Saif Eddin Gmati <
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > To me the first sentence of the RFC is debatable:
> >
> >> The purpose of inheritance is code reuse, for when you have a class that
> >> shares common functionality, and you want others to be able to extend it
> >> and make use of this functionality in their own class.
> >
> > That sounds like [abstract] base classes, which certainly permit that,
> but
> > I wouldn't state that "the purpose" of [designing] class hierarchies is
> > "code reuse", which can also (better?) be achieved with traits or even
> > simply composition
> I completely disagree that the first sentence of that RFC is debatable
> as I consider it to be totally accurate. When you use inheritance via
> the 'extends' keyword then every method in the superclass is shared by
> the subclass. In the subclass you have the option to override the
> implementation of any method in the superclass, or you can add new
> methods of your own.

But does that necessarily mean that "The purpose of inheritance is code

This superclass may be abstract, but it need not
> be. The methods it contains may be abstract, but they need not be.

I didn't say that they need (the brackets meant "optionally"). And does it
really matter actually?

> According to the Gang of Four the way to avoid the problems caused by
> the overuse of inheritance is to only inherit from an abstract class,
> which is precise what I do. I am famous for having an abstract table
> class in my framework which contains hundreds of methods and thousands
> of lines of code, and because each of my 400 concrete table classes
> inherits from the same abstract table class that is a LOT of code which
> is shared. This abstract table class also allows me to use the Template
> Method Pattern (which is mentioned in the Gang of Four book) so that all
> the invariant methods are defined in the abstract class which means that
> each subclass need only contain the variable "hook" methods for which it
> needs to provide an implementation.

Well, PHP is flexible. I have seen many combinations of (one or several of)
interface, [abstract] class, trait, composition... depending on the context.

> When you say that code reuse can be better achieved with traits or
> object composition I have to disagree.

I said "also (better?)", not just "better". But one can think "no" to
"better?" ;)

Object composition is used only
> by those idiots who overuse inheritance,


and there is no evidence that
> traits are "better" than inheritance.

By the way, is there evidence to the contrary? (genuine question)

> Inheritance, when used sensibly, is still the best way to share code.

Your opinion, maybe not unanimity (nor absolute truth).

> Regards,
> Tony Marston

Guilliam Xavier

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