On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 at 09:14, Guilliam Xavier <guilliam.xav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But so, when in a thread I receive a private reply that, for some reason 
> (e.g. somewhat rude but/or of public interest and maybe they clicked "Reply" 
> by inadvertance), I feel it should be forwarded to the list (which I have 
> seen done here several times and I don't remember you objecting), how am I 
> supposed to know that they're banned and that I should just ignore them?

Sorry, yeah, I probably should have phrased that more gently as you
couldn't really have known.

> how am I supposed to know that they're banned and that I should just ignore 
> them?

This is one of the problems of using email for discussions. Moving
discussions to a better platform has come up repeatedly and I've spent
a lot of time thinking about it.

The very short summary of the result of that thinking is that I think
that any platform needs to be designed to work not just when people
are trying to collaborate on a project, but having very strong
disagreements, but also when under deliberate attack from people who
want to just disrupt all conversations to sabotage a project. It's
something I'm hoping to work on 'soon' ™.

In this particular case, you could probably go and read his blog
https://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/index.html and then give an
appropriate amount of attention to his opinions.


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