
On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 11:20 AM Karoly Negyesi <kar...@negyesi.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering whether $array->map($somefunction) would be possible. I am
> not a C programmer by any stretch but reading ZEND_VM_HOT_OBJ_HANDLER(112
> it seems to me it should be quite easy (famous last words) to find out if
> object is an array and if so then
> 1. prepend the string array_ before the method name
> 2. based on a small lookup table move the "object" to the right place --
> either first argument or second.
> 3. do a function call instead of a method call.
> Regarding #2 by default it's the first:
> $array->flip() becomes array_flip($array)
> $array->column($column_key, $index_key) becomes array_column($array,
> $column_key, $index_key)
> $array->merge($array2, $array3) becomes array_merge($array, $array2,
> $array3)
> There'd be a small list of methods/functions where it's the second, for
> example:
> $array->map($fn) becomes array_map($fn, $array)
> $array->search($needle, $strict) becomes array_search($needle, $array,
> $strict)
> $array->key_exists($key) becomes array_key_exists($key, $array)
> (Is there even any other?)
> For phase 1 we could skip the functions which gets the first argument by
> reference (walk, sort) and figure it out later. Hand waving yes but never
> let perfect stand in the way of good enough :)
> Look how nicely this reads:
> $array->map($fn)->filter($fn2)
> Compared to array_filter(array_map($fn, $array), $fn2)
> I see no BC concerns here because in any previous PHP versions this is a
> fatal error. I do not see any syntax ambiguity either but here I am
> probably just naive. It could also be usable with user defined functions.
> What do you think?

Have you seen https://github.com/nikic/scalar_objects ?

Marco Pivetta



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