Hi Nikita,

Thank you for taking the time to explain in detail.  

One more question below.


> On May 28, 2021, at 10:31 AM, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 3:11 AM Mike Schinkel <m...@newclarity.net 
> <mailto:m...@newclarity.net>> wrote:
> > On May 26, 2021, at 7:44 PM, Hendra Gunawan <the.liquid.me...@gmail.com 
> > <mailto:the.liquid.me...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> > 
> > Hello.
> > 
> >> 
> >> Yes, but Nikita wrote this note about technical limitations at the bottom 
> >> of the repo README:
> >> 
> >> Due to technical limitations, it is not possible to create mutable APIs for
> >> primitive types. Modifying $self within the methods is not possible (or
> >> rather, will have no effect, as you'd just be changing a copy).
> >> 
> > 
> > If it is solved, this is a great accomplishment for PHP. But I think
> > scalar object is not going anywhere in the near future. If you are not
> > convinced, please take a look
> > https://github.com/nikic/scalar_objects/issues/20#issuecomment-569520181 
> > <https://github.com/nikic/scalar_objects/issues/20#issuecomment-569520181>.
> Nikita's comment actually causes me more questions, not fewer.
> Nikita says "We need to know that $a[$b][$c is an array in order to determine 
> that the call should be performed by-reference. However, we already need to 
> convert $a, $a[$b] and $a[$b][$c] into references before we know about that." 
> How then are we able to do the following?:
> $a[$b][$c][] = 1;
> In this case, we're clearly performing a write operation on the array. If you 
> want to know the technical details, the compiler will convert this into a 
> sequence of FETCH_DIM_W ops followed by ASSIGN_DIM. The "W" bit here is for 
> "write", which will perform all the necessary special handling, such as 
> copy-on-write separation and auto-vivification.
> How also can we do this:
> byref($a[$b][$c]);
> function byref(&$x) {
>     $x[]= 2;
> }
> See https://3v4l.org/aPvTD <https://3v4l.org/aPvTD> <https://3v4l.org/aPvTD 
> <https://3v4l.org/aPvTD>>
> This is a more complex case. In this case the compiler doesn't know in 
> advance whether the argument is passed by value or by reference. What happens 
> here is:
> 1. INIT_FCALL determines that we're calling byref().
> 2. CHECK_FUNC_ARG for the first arg determines that this argument is passed 
> by-reference for this function.
> 3. FETCH_DIM_FUNC_ARG on the array will be perform either an FETCH_DIM_R or 
> to FETCH_DIM_W operation, depending on what CHECK_FUNC_ARG determined.
> I assume that in both my examples $a[$b][$c] would be considered an 
> "lvalue"[1] and can be a target of assignment triggered by either the 
> assignment operator or calling the function and passing to a by-ref 
> parameter.  
> [1] 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(computer_science)#Assignment:_l-values_and_r-values
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(computer_science)#Assignment:_l-values_and_r-values>
> So is there a reason that -> on an array could not trigger the same?  Is 
> Nikita saying that the performance of those calls performed by-reference 
> would not matter because they are always being assigned, at least in the 
> former case, but to do so with array expressions would be problematic? 
> (Ignoring there is no code in the wild that currently uses the -> operator, 
> or does that matter?)
> Note that the byref($a[$b][$c]) case only works because we know which 
> function is being called at the time the argument is passed. If you have 
> $a[$b][$c]->test() we need to pass $a[$b][$c] by reference (FETCH_DIM_W) or 
> by value (FETCH_DIM_R) depending on whether $a[$b][$c]->test() accepts the 
> argument by-value or by-reference. But we can only know that once we have 
> already evaluated $a[$b][$c] and found out that it is indeed an array.
> The only way around this is to *always* perform a for-write fetch of 
> $a[$b][$c], even though we don't know that the end result is going to be an 
> array. However, doing so would pessimize the performance of code operating on 
> objects. Consider $some_huge_shared_array[0]->foo(). If we fetch 
> $some_huge_shared_array for write, we'll be required to perform a full 
> duplication of the array in preparation for a possible future write. If it 
> turns out that $some_huge_shared_array[0] is actually an object, or that 
> $some_huge_shared_array[0] is an array and the performed operation is 
> by-value, then we have performed this copy unnecessarily.
> I don't believe this is acceptable.
> I ask honestly to understand, and not as a rhetorical question.
> Additionally, if the case of updating an array variable is not a problem but 
> updating an array expression is a problem then why not just limit the -> 
> operator to only work on expressions for immutable methods and require 
> variables for mutable methods?  I would think should be easy enough to throw 
> an error for those specific "methods" that would be mutable, such as shift() 
> and unshift() if $a[$b][$c]->shift('foo') were called?
> There are externalities associated even with the simple $x->foo() case, 
> though they are less severe. They primarily involve reduced ability to 
> analyze code in opcache.
> In either case, this limitation does not seem reasonable to me from a 
> language design perspective. If $a->push($b) works, then $a[$k]->push($b) can 
> reasonably be expected to work as well.
> Or maybe just completely limit using the -> operator on array variables. 
> Don't work on any array expressions for consistency. There is already 
> precedence in PHP for operators that work on variables and not on 
> expressions:  ++, --, and &.
> IF we can get a thumbs up from Nikita that one of these would actually be 
> possible then I think the next step should be to write up a list of proposed 
> array methods that would be implemented to support the -> operator with 
> arrays and put them in an RFC, and to flesh out any edge cases. 
> The only correct way to resolve this issue is to not support mutable 
> operations.

I don't think I agree that this is the only correct way, but I respect your 
position of authority on the matter.

> I don't think there's much need for mutable operations. sort() and shuffle() 
> would be best implemented by returning a new array instead. array_push() is 
> redundant with $array[]. array_shift() and array_unshift() should never be 
> used.

Why do you say array_shift() and array_unshift() should never be used?  When I 
wrote the above questions the use-case I was thinking about most was 
$a->unshift($value) as I use array_unshift() more than most of the other array 

Do you mean that these if applied as "methods" to an array should not be use 
immutably — meaning in-place is bad but returning an array value that has been 
shifted would be okay — or do you have some other reason you believe that 
shifting an array is bad?  Note the reason I have used them in the past is when 
I need to pass an array to a function written by someone else that expects the 
array to be ordered.

Also, what about very large arrays?  I assume — which could be a bad assumption 
— that PHP internally can be more efficient about how it handles 
array_unshift() instead of just duplicating the large array so as to add an 
element at the beginning?


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