On Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 10:30 AM Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> > Instead I replied because your email strongly implied (stated?) that 
> > "deprecation required removal"
> I stand by that interpretation, which while not universal is very widely
> used, and I think is more useful than a general hint at "bad practice".
> You spend most of your e-mail seeming to argue against it, and then seem
> to say that actually you do agree with it after all, and all you're
> saying is that sometimes the deprecation period should be longer:
> > I am not advocating that.  I am advocating we should consider making it:
> >
> > "features that are strongly discouraged will*probably*  be removed in the 
> > next major version, but in some cases may be retained for one or more major 
> > versions."
> I'm totally OK with that.
> I do think that there should be a clear *plan* for removing each
> deprecated feature, though. That plan might be "deprecate in 8.1, and
> examine prior to 9.0 whether usage has dropped / the alternatives are
> mature / etc". It might flat out be "deprecate in 8.1, but don't remove
> until 10.0".
> Otherwise, the message becomes "this feature is kind of bad, and at some
> point we might decide to drop it without further notice, but actually we
> might not, so no hurry to remove it", which I just think isn't that helpful.

I think it would be very helpful.
I would have loved to know that FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING was not
considered a good choice when I recently researched how to improve an
Deprecation without a fixed removal version is better than no
deprecation (because removal version was not agreed on).

Actually I agree with everything that Mike said previously and I
strongly suggest a policy that looks like this:

Deprecation means no longer encouraged (strongly) and might be removed
in a future (major) version.
Before every new major version, review all deprecated features/usages
and decide with a simple RFC if each of them should be removed,
reviewing the current usage level and migration paths.


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