On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 9:33 AM Peter Bowyer <phpmailingli...@gmail.com>

> I have now been contacted by 2 people who tried multiple times to join this
> mailing list and cannot.
> It took me 5 weeks for my signup to work. During that time I emailed the
> different @php.net mailboxes related to infrastructure and/or the web and
> received no response. Eventually I managed to sign up - once I created this
> brand-new Gmail account. The signup form is unreliable.
> There are people wanting to take part in discussions who can't.
It took me a very long time to get signed up to the mailing list as well,
so I poked around on twitter back then to see if anyone could help me. I've
tried several times over the timespan of at least a year and I never
received a follow up after using the form. I'm not sure what changed, it
just worked eventually. I'm also still receiving a bunch of messages from
the mailing list in my spam folder (gmail), and there's not much I can do
about it. I would love to see a system replacing the mailing list, one
where we can reliably use things like markdown to properly quote and have
code blocks and have at least semi-decent threaded discussions.

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