> Currently there are people with voting permissions that do vote, yet do
interact with RFCs or the mailing list.

it does not help that depending on how you get the mailing list (like me,
in digest form) its almost impossible to actually chime in. just to reply
to this i have done about 13 clicks in the gmail interface, and im still
sure this will show up outside of the timeline of the actual thread and may
be read by at most 2 people who happened to find it on externals.io.

plus that one time your client accidentally top-posts instead of bottom
posts and starts yet another flamewar about that instead of talking about
what you actually wanted to talk about.

my favourite way to comment on things is to comment on the github pull
requests usually tagged in the RFC's because you don't have to be a member
of the club to chime in there. it has been an issue in the past where
someone has been too sensitive and deleted comments though immediately
after "open for discussion" dot dot dot

i'd say we need something more modern and transparent than this old mailing
list, but i completely lack a suggestion that isn't somehow worse than what
we got now in terms of massively multiplayer discussion.

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