On Fri, Nov 26, 2021, at 3:56 AM, Peter Bowyer wrote:

> ---
> I get the impression a lot of comments on this mailing list are from people
> who know other languages, would like to work with another language, and
> since they (have to?) use PHP would like PHP to be another language.
> I find that fascinating. And I'd be well up for having a round-table
> discussion and recording a podcast on it.
> ---

People have been making that complaint about other people since at least 2005 
or so.  "You're turning PHP into Java, stop it."  "You're turning PHP into 
Ruby, stop it."  "Just go use Rust instead if you want that feature and leave 
us alone."

PHP evolves by stealing ideas from every language it can, without shame, and is 
a far, far better language today because of it.  Please, stop with the "you 
just want to be like language X" complaint.  It's over-used, inaccurate, and 
just plain ignorant as an argument.

There are ample reasons to argue against any particular feature, but "it makes 
PHP too much like language X" is a particularly bad one that everyone needs to 
stop using, forever.

--Larry Garfield

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