On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 12:16 AM Brady Wetherington via internals <
internals@lists.php.net> wrote:

> > > That's 1.5 million hours, which is 171 developer-years.
> >
> > If we're going to imagine numbers; there are 6 million PHP developers
> > in the world*. If on average they each lose just 1 hour per year by
> > making typos and accidentally creating a properties dynamically,
> > that's 6 million hours, or 684.93 years!
> >
> > So the value delivered by this change would be 4 times the cost just
> > in the first year. And then every year after that it's pure benefit.
The point of this counter-argument which may have gotten lost in the snark
is that nobody has done the legwork to know definitively what the impact of
this will be.  You're both making up numbers, and this is part of the
reason the deprecation warnings exist, so that concerned product developers
with a stake in making sure these sorts of things go smoothly have time to
test such changes out on your own codebases.  It's been merged to master,
so you could stand up a build now and point to the many deprecation
warnings you're expecting.  I'm not saying send PRs to fix them all, just
show real impact rather than theoretical guessing.  If it's as bad as you
fear, maybe we run another RFC to remove the change before it ever sees the
light of day and you become a super hero. Call you Uber Brady.  Or maybe
not a single deprecation warning shows up. Or just a couple that are easily
fixed.  Let's make PHP better, together.


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