On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 10:18 PM Brady Wetherington <
bwethering...@grokability.com> wrote:

> >>> …It's been merged to master, so you could stand up a build now and
> point to the many deprecation warnings you're expecting.  I'm not saying
> send PRs to fix them all, just show real impact rather than theoretical
> guessing. …
> Okay - good news/bad news/good news -
> Bad News: That's because later versions of Laravel dump all
> deprecation warnings straight to /dev/null by default. If you
> configure a log 'channel' for 'deprecations', *then* you get actual
> results. One page load (our dashboard page) generated 267KB of
> deprecation warnings. Clicking through most of the main pages of our
> app generated around 3.5MB of them. And these aren't full
> stack-traces, they're just messages like:
> "[2021-12-01 03:48:23] local.WARNING: Creation of dynamic property
> Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection::$readWriteType is deprecated in
> /Users/uberbrady/Documents/grokability/snipe-it/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php
> on line 1368"
> Good News: *Many many many* of those deprecation warnings were repeats
> of the same deprecated thing from the exact same place. And *very very
> few* were from the dynamic properties thing. *None* of the dynamic
> properties deprecations were from our code. Everything was from
> composer dependencies, and only a small handful - so, probably pretty
> easy to remediate when it comes to that.
Does it look like there's any sensitive information in these log entries?
You mentioned they were only in external dependencies so I'm
thinking/hoping not.  What I'm getting at is: Would you mind sharing those
raw logs somewhere. I'm sure someone will find it a fun opportunity to make
some pull requests in a variety of projects.


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