On 01.12.2021 at 00:52, Ben Morss via internals wrote:

> Earlier this year, I added support for AVIF images
> <https://github.com/libgd/libgd/pull/671> to libgd
> <https://github.com/libgd/libgd>. My ultimate goal was to bring support for
> this new image format to PHP, so that the world's top CMSs could let sites
> serve AVIFs. A few of you kindly guided me as I made my first contributions
> to the PHP codebase, propagating libgd's new AVIF support
> <https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7026> into PHP's bundled gd fork,
> and adding
> AVIF awareness <https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7091> to non-gd
> functions like getimagesize() and imagecreatefromstring().
> Unfortunately, when I worked on getimagesize(), AVIF experts advised that
> there was no compact, reliable way to determine the size of an AVIF image
> without relying on an external library like libavif. We decided
> <https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/5127#issuecomment-799825277> that it
> was useful to return the information that a given image was an AVIF, but
> simply to return 0 for the actual dimensions and other details. The user
> would simply need to decode the image to determine this information.
> Of course, users would really like
> <https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/5127#issuecomment-976241397> to use
> getimagesize() to return the actual size. So a colleague has kindly
> created standalone
> code <https://aomedia-review.googlesource.com/c/libavifinfo/+/148321> (that
> doesn't depend on libavif) to do this, with the goal of adding it to PHP.
> The code comprises several hundred lines. But - it works, and it works well.
> Would it be ok to submit a PR containing this code to add this
> functionality? Or does someone have a superior approach?

Thanks for your and your colleague's work!  It's highly appreciated.

Anyhow, a respective PR[1] has been submitted now, and I'm in favor of
bundling libavifinfo.  I'm not too concerned regarding the additional
size of the PHP binaries which would result by linking it in, but if
others are, we could still introduce a configuration option (e.g.

Thoughts?  Objections to bundling libavifinfo at all?

[1] <https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7711>

Christoph M. Becker

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