On 6 January 2022 19:51:46 GMT, Robert Korulczyk <rob...@korulczyk.pl> wrote:
>You're talking about classes that use traits, but I'm talking about traits 
>themselves. If I open a class in editor, there is a straightforward way to 
>check if specific method is implementation of an interface - check interfaces 
>implemented by class and if one of them have this method, then this 
>method is implementation of this interface, and editor can properly mark it 
>and handle navigation between implementation in class and declaration in 

Ah, I see what you're getting at now. I've never particularly had the need to 
jump between an interface and a trait, but then I very rarely use traits at all.

In your use cases, are these traits generally *using* the interface methods, or 
*implementing* them? For instance, you might have a trait that *requires* the 
LoggerInterface because it makes use of its methods, so you want to jump to 
their documentation when viewing those uses; or you might have a trait that 
helps *implement* the LoggerInterface, and you want to link each method to the 
definition in the interface that it implements. Is one of these situations more 
common than the other, in your experience?


Rowan Tommins

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